Professional Makeup Artist and Proshine founder.



Professional Practical Product That Everyone Can Use.

I have been working as a makeup artist for two decades in the world of fashion, advertising and red carpet. 20 years honing my craft, learning and making my kit a shrine to the latest and greatest. I have been a product fanatic my whole life. When you are on location shooting a big campaign with 20 models, creating look after look for editorials or getting celebrities ready for a big event in a small hotel room, you do not have time for palettes, paintbrushes, or traditional scrubs. I needed a quick and practical solution to making the skin on the body look really well maintained and moisturised in natural light and super shiny under artificial lights.

To be specific, I wanted a system that was portable, and natural. I wanted an oil without shimmer or colour and that had a great smell. I wanted to be able to get rid of dry skin quickly and easily. I wanted both products to look cool on your bathroom shelf or in your makeup bag. The products had to be easy to use on the body no matter the situation or location.They had to be lightweight and easy to travel with. I couldn’t find anything like that in the market. If the product existed, I would have found it and used it. In the end, I gave in and made what I needed at home and at work.

Proshine is as intended, fuss free, portable, natural, high performance & fun. It gives you skin brilliance in seconds. Oh and its vegan. Easy.


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No known irritants or toxins


Cruelty free, organic, palm oil free.


A list that is clear of harmful or suspected harmful ingredients


Ingredients that are naturally occurring or synthetically isolated


Made using sustainable and renewable sources. Earth friendly.

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I naively presumed that environmentally friendly packaging that mimicked this vessel would exist in the world and be easy to buy. It does not, and what’s more it DEFINITELY does not in small quantities. It’s bespoke and minimum order quantities are gigantic. Not ideal for one girl and her niche idea. We are housed in plastic because anything else just did not work for purpose. I promise we will get there, we just can’t get there today, believe me, I have spent well over four years trying. The good thing is that this plastic is easy to recycle, durable and refillable (news to come on that soon)